I found this super sweet deal on diapers at Amazon. A huge, $50 box of Huggies (222 count) for $10. Yes, you heard right.

(here's where I jump up and down and scream like a preteen girl at a Bieber concert)
I sort of cheated the system and subscribed both my husband and myself to Amazon Moms. For $40 a year, you get 20% off all kinds of baby gear, shipped right to your door.
(No more random trips to Target to pick up wipes and...that dress on the clearance rack that I just had to have...)
You get $25 off your first purchase, which combined with the 20% off and another $2 coupon which I clipped from the site (you can find it if you go to the "deals and specials" page.
So I got 2 ginormous boxes of diapers for $20...which should last us for a while. Oh, yes.
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