about me

Hi! I'm Kirstie. Thanks for stopping by! I'm a full-time mommy to a beautiful baby boy and wife to a really hot guy.

 I started this blog to force myself to stop wearing yoga pants and old tee shirts, which I wore primarily until baby was 4 months old and my poor husband asked me to put on some heels and some makeup. This anti-fashion phenomenon was mostly brought on by pregnancy, and then a new baby, and a whole new world of motherhood to figure out. Spit-up, night feedings, baby-wearing, napping or not napping...heh. Still working on the 'figuring out' part.

Join me in this journey to finding my mommy style (what I wear), or mommy-style (how I do this mommy thing). Either way works. Oh, and finding something to wear other than yoga pants.

the tiny man that changed my life forever arrived February 28th, 2013

 along came the bump

Here's where it all started. We said I do. May 22, 2010

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